Research proves that the intake of certain vitamins and nutrients can help up your chances of conceiving through In Vitro Fertilisation – read on to find out more…

We all know that a healthy pregnancy relies on the production of good sperm and a good egg. And now, scientific research suggests that certain lifestyle changes can directly impact the quality of your reproductive system, upping your chances of conception and the all-round development of your growing baby.

ALSO SEE: My Post-Partum Weight-Loss Journey

If you’re undergoing In Vitro Fertilisation, your doctor has probably instructed you to follow a healthy diet in a bid to up your chances of falling pregnant. He or she may have also warned against consuming certain foods…

Here is a list of foods to help improve your egg quality for IVF success:

  1.  Protein-Rich Foods

Your body needs protein to produce hormones that aid in fertility, so try and eat at least 65 grams of protein every day from foods like the eggs, flax seeds, fish and lean meats. If you’re a vegetarian, then make sure you consume protein-rich foods like nuts and legumes and perhaps consider taking a protein supplement.

  1.  Monitor Your Fat Consumption

As we well know thanks to the Paleo and Banting diets, not all fats are bad. While it’s essential you stay away from saturated fats in the form of animal fat and skin, cream, cheese, ice-cream and fried foods, doctors highly recommend consuming unsaturated fats like avocados, salmon and peanut butter. Unsaturated fats can help your body digest the nutrients in certain foods that are beneficial to your body, thus upping your chances of conceiving.

  1.  Drink Water Often

We got told all the time to drink more water as most of us don’t even realise we’re dehydrated most of the time. To ensure your body is functioning at full optimisation, ensure you drink your eight glasses of water a day at room temperature.

  1.  Hello, Healthy Carbs

Carbohydrates really do get a bad rep these days. In fact, healthy carbs are actually beneficial they give your body the energy it needs – energy that’s essential to aid the process of IVF. While we’re not saying you should rob a bread truck (refined carbs are a no-no), make sure you’re consuming healthy carbs in the form of root vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

(Try this yummy chocolatey, nutty smoothie recipe I love, or my very-Mexi bowl.)

  1.  Give it Up For Zinc

Foods rich in this precious mineral have been known to aid in IVF success. Women who are undergoing IVF are recommended to eat at least 20 mg of zinc every day to enhance the health of their reproductive systems. Zinc helps maintain hormone levels in both men and women and can up your chances of conceiving a healthy bub. Look for foods rich in zinc like kidney beans, shrimp and flax seeds.

  1.  Organic is Best

We know this already but how hard is it to go grocery shopping for food items that aren’t packed with preservatives? While we advocate an organic diet for everyone, we especially recommend it to women undergoing IVF. Preservatives, insecticides and the pesticides often mimic the functions of the endocrine disruptors, and can play havoc with one’s hormones affecting one’s chances of conceiving a baby.

ALSO SEE: Healthy Food Swaps To Make Now

Foods to Avoid

According to experts, avoid the following if you’re undergoing IVF:

  • Caffeine
  • Mouldy Cheeses
  • Alcohol
  • Any raw food like sushi and oysters
  • Raw eggs
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Saturated fats
May 06, 2019 — Lisa Raleigh