What is Rebounding?
Rebounding is:
- The flexible, affordable, fun – and effective – way to get fit.
- Suitable for all ages, sizes and fitness levels.
- A fitness modality that lets you train anywhere, on your terms.
Quality is key! Mass-produced rebounders often have a hard, jarring bounce which often leads to fewer health benefits and a higher risk of injury. bounti Rebounders are the highest quality rebounders available in South Africa, with:
- A firm and buoyant bounce (not jarring)
- Some of them with foldable frames for portability
- High quality, strong mats
- Large, galvanized, wide belly springs, and high-quality, durable bungee cords, for a smoother bounce.
In addition to our bounti Rebounders, we've also produced a range of rebounding accessories, programmes and classes, to help you make the most of your rebounding experience!